My name is Andrew Harris. I’m a CPA who spent two years doing tax work and auditing in public accounting. Before I was a professional bean counter, I sailed in high school, worked security in university, and dabbled in Statistics and Philosophy.

In The Zen Bean Counter, you’ll find a mix of financial tips, personal improvement tricks, and an occasional sprinkling of philosophical musings. The Zen Bean Counter is your source for all the information that I wish I had when I was just starting out in financial services.

What The Zen Bean Counter is not is a Buzzfeed-esque blog. I will not drown you in lists of “25 Top Tips For A Quick Fix.” Those tips are usually just vague, unrealistic or don’t provide enough benefit relative to the effort required.

We’re all busy and I respect your time. So benefit from my experience and enjoy the high-value added, easy to implement tips and tricks you’ll find on The Zen Bean Counter.

Yours in Accountancy,


A disclaimer: Although I’m a CPA licensed by the California Board of Accountancy, I’m not your personal CPA and nothing on this blog constitutes a client-CPA relationship. The content on this blog is for entertainment purposes only, and you should discuss any financial decisions with your relevant financial professional(s).